Legal Stuff

Hold Harmless

By using any of the services offered by or Peter DeBenedittis you agree to hold Peter DeBenedittis and his associates and employees harmless for any experience or outcome you have deriving from or related to these services. You agree to take responsibility for your life and agree that it is by your own free choice you have engaged with or used any of the materials, processes, practices, classes or sessions offered by Peter DeBenedittis,, or anyone affiliated with this website. Everything on and offered by Peter DeBenedittis is completely voluntary. There is no pressure to try or do anything and no payments are required for any services.
Any results you experience are your responsibility, derived from your own free will choice to engage with and use the services of Peter DeBenedittis and

Peter DeBenedittis is not a medical doctor. No medical treatments, prescriptions or advice of any kind are given or implied by Peter DeBenedittis or You should always consult your doctor and caregivers about medical and mental health issues. You should consider your medical and mental health status before using any of the services offered by Peter DeBenedittis or and consult with your doctor or caregivers if you have any questions or concerns. Do not use these services if you feel they in any way can negatively impact your physical or mental health. If Peter DeBenedittis shares what he has done for an illnesses he’s experienced, it is in no way implied or recommended you should do the same, and should not be considered a medical or mental health treatment in any way. Peter DeBenedittis’ experience is not medical advice. Always consult your doctor or caregivers for medical and mental health issues.

Refund Policy

All sales made on this website are final. Refunds are not given for sessions you missed attending. Please contact us if you have extenuating circumstances and we'll do our best to accommodate you, but we do not promise to do so. If we show up for a session or deliver a product to you, we consider this fulfillment of our terms of service.


Peter DeBenedittis and has established this privacy policy to demonstrate our commitment to maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of information about visitors to our websites and donors. This policy explains why we collect particular information and how we will protect your personal privacy within our website.

In order to fully understand your rights we encourage you to read this Privacy Policy. Our privacy policies may be changed from time to time, simply by posting such changes on our site, so we encourage you to check back regularly. Any such change will be effective immediately upon posting.

Questions regarding this statement should be directed to Peter DeBenedittis by email or a phone call. Please contact us and refer to the Privacy Policy while discussing your concerns.

What Information We Collect and How We Use That Information

We do not collect personally identifiable information from individuals unless they provide it to us voluntarily. This means we do not require you to provide information to us in order to view our site. It is necessary for us to collect personal information from individuals, however, when they make a donation, sign up for our mailing list, or book a Channeled Spiritual Coaching Session.

Our registration forms require users to give us contact information that may include name, email address, format preference (HTML vs. Text), address, phone numbers, concerns and similar information. We do not collect or store sensitive information from our visitors or members, such as credit card or social security numbers. People who make donations using PayPal or Venmo will be subject to the privacy policies and information storage procedures of those applications, which are not affiliated with Peter DeBenedittis or

We do not share the information we acquire from visitors or members on our website with unaffiliated third parties.

We collect an IP address from all visitors to our site. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the Internet. We use IP addresses to help diagnose problems with our server, administer our site, analyze trends, track users’ movement, gather broad demographic information for aggregate use in order for us to improve the site, and deliver customized, personalized content. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information.

Our site may use cookies to enhance your experience while using our site. Cookies are small files that many websites transfer to the computer that is browsing that website. They are not programs that harm a visitor’s system or files. Cookies make Web-surfing easier by performing certain usage record-keeping functions such as saving your passwords or your personal preferences regarding your use of the particular website and to make sure you don’t see the same ad repeatedly. Many consider the use of cookies to be an industry standard.

Your browser is probably set by default to accept cookies. However, if you would prefer not to receive cookies, you can alter the configuration of your browser to refuse cookies. If you choose to have your browser refuse cookies, it is possible that some areas of our site will not function properly when you view them.

For minors as described by New Mexico statute visiting the site: does not knowingly ask for information from minors. Visitors who are minors, as described by New Mexico Statute, should ask their parent or legal guardian for assistance in using the site.

Other Websites

Our site may contain links to other websites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are entering another website for which has no responsibility. This privacy policy applies solely to the site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements on all such sites as their policies may be different than ours.

Contacting —

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of the site or your dealings with the site, you may contact:

Peter DeBenedittis

1919 Morris Place, Santa Fe, NM 87505


1919 Morris Place

Sta. Fe, NM

87505 USA

© Peter DeBenedittis 2024 | All Rights Reserved.

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1919 Morris Place

Sta. Fe, NM

87505 USA

© Peter DeBenedittis 2024 | All Rights Reserved.