Classes and Events

Ascension Intensive weekend

Ascension Level 3 Intensive: Service


Free Introductory Evening Friday

>> Register Here <<

October 18 at 7 PM US Mountain Time  

Saturday & Sunday Intensive, October 19 & 20, 2024

8 AM to 6 PM US Mountain Time

Live via zoom

Processes, Teachings & Techniques to:

  • Move into Oneness with Source. Spirit & People

  • Know & Live Your Purpose

  • Experience Causeless Joy As a Way of Life

  • Remove Heart Walls Holding You Back

  • Clear Soul Overlays That No Longer Serve

Level 2 Weekend Intensive


Free Introductory Evening Friday

June 7, 7-9 PM US Mountain Time  

Saturday & Sunday Intensive, June 8 & 9, 2024

8 AM to 6 PM US Mountain Time

Live via zoom

Techniques, Processes & Teachings To:

  • Deepen Your Connection to Spirit

  • The Power of Allowing Through a Group Consciousness

  • Freedom Blockage Releases

  • God Realization

Recorded Classes

Ascension Level 1 Intensive

Nine Sessions | 18 Hours | $199

Techniques, Processes & Teachings:

  • Receive Awakening

  • Clear Emotional Blockages

  • Clearly Communicate with Your Sacred Higher Self


Ascension Level 2 Intensive

Nine Sessions | 18 Hours | $199

Techniques, Processes & Teachings:

  • Deepen Your Connection to Spirit

  • The Power of Allowing Through a Group Consciousness

  • Freedom Blockage Releases

  • God Realization


Ascension Level 1 &2

Intensive Bundle

18 Sessions | 36 Hours | $339

Save 15%

Get everything from

Level 1 and Level 2 with big savings!

The Four Baskets Rebirth

One Session | 85 Minutes | $39

This process focuses on removing all the negative imprints we received from conception through 6 hours after birth.

How to Pray

One Session | 25 Minutes | $39

Learn and practice techniques of Pray are successful for getting results. You’ll become closer to your Source and become able to receive more of what you’re asking for.

Clearing Past Lives Technique

One Session | 90 Minutes | $29

If you’re finding blockages from your past lives keep resurfaces, this class teaches you how to identify and remove them.

Clearing & Gifting Your Chakras

One Session | 90 Minutes | $39

Lots of practices can clear and balance the energy of your chakras. Tracy teaches you how replace the gunk in your chakras with auspicious qualities accelerating your ascension into 5D. Guide meditation process include.


Self Muscle Testing

Two Sessions | 180 Minutes | $49

Kinesiology is a way of accessing your body’s Innate wisdom. Learning to practice it on yourself guides

you to better health & diet choices, as well as offers direction when you’re ready to receive guidance from

your Sacred Higher Self. This class demonstrates how to muscle test yourself and includes a guided

group clearing process.

Creating Touchstones / Asking Your Body to Grow Young!

One Session | 45 Minutes | $29

Creating a touchstone is a powerful technique to lock into place growth and transformations you received

during a clearing or healing session. Tracy teaches how to create a touchstone. The example used a

practice help your body grow younger. Follow along in this guided process to learn how to create a

touchstone and grow young.


Clearing Soul Overlays

One Session | 60 Minutes | $49

Learn how clear soul overlays and participate in a guided process to clear yours!

10 Week Program - $1,776

Receive Individual Healing Sessions with both Tracy & Peter

Unlimited access to observe sessions Peter & Tracy give

Initiation Ritual connecting you with high frequency healing entities to assist during sessions you conduct

Co-facilitate healing sessions under our guidance

Receive a manual, handouts & powerpoint teaching tools.

Requirements: Have taken all 3 Levels of Weekend Intensives or being able to demonstrate to us you already have other healing skills you can build on with Becoming Awesome clearing & healing techniques. Please contact us if you believe you’re ready for the mentorship program. Grab your spot now!

We strongly recommend you've read the My Ascension Handbook series. It provides understandings fundamental for navigating 5D healing.

Once trained, you’ll be eligible to be listed on our booking page & you can become an affiliate who receives 20% back for referrals to our classes.

Starting August 15


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