Book Sessions with Tracy & Peter

We offer Sessions by Donation Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays each week. If these sessions are completely booked, Please sign up for a No Wait Session or Get On Our Waiting List to Be Notified When the Next Block of By Donation Sessions Open Up in April 2025.

In the Meantime, Consider a session with people we've mentored. Scroll to the Bottom Of This Page to meet Practitioners Trained in Becoming Awesome Clearing Techniques.


• By Donation Sessions are limited to Two Per Person Per Month. If you book More than Two By Donation Sessions in a Month, Your Sessions will be Canceled.

• Do Not Book Sessions for Other People unless you're someone's Care Giver & They've asked you to make the booking. We've found that If someone isn't committed enough to Book their Own session, They consistently Fail To Allow the Clearings we Offer to Take Hold. booking Sessions for Others Generally Wastes our Time & Blocks People who Are Ready to Receive From getting a session.

Book Channeled Clearing & Spiritual Coaching Sessions on a Donation Basis

Sessions on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays are given in Service to Source on a donation basis, so don’t worry about cost. Give as you choose to help us sustain our lives and be able to give freely to others.

read our bios & feel into our energies

Choose Your Session With Who You Resonate With Most

Inside the Red Pyramid near Cairo

Holding the Light at the Temple of Hathor

Book No Wait Sessions

$222 for an individual session with either Tracy or Peter or

$444 to exponentially multiply the clearing and healing power by having both Peter and Tracy work with you.

Book a Zoom Meeting with Ascension Coaches we've Mentored

If Tracy & Peter are completely booked, here are other Ascension Coaches we trust.

Book A Session With Gérard

All sessions are given on a donation basis.

Offering channeled clearing or coaching sessions in English, Dutch, and German at times convenient for Europe.

Book A Session With Maryam

All sessions are given on a donation basis.

  • Three card tarot spread with channeled message from the guides

  • Trauma clearing to make way for a more abundant life

  • Energy work and activation to create miracles in your life

  • Practical insights and applications of spiritual concepts

Maryam is a life-long empath, claircognizant, and clairsentient. She was born "knowing" that there was more to our reality than our traditional five senses tell us. She has since developed the ability to channel guides, do powerful energy work, and has developed much stronger empathic capabilities.

Book A Session With Shelley

All sessions are given on a donation basis.

  • A natural-born intuitive and medium

  • Certified Level 2 QHHT Past Life Regression Hypnosis Practitioner

  • An AMAHT energy worker

  • First priority is to facilitate your connection with your Higher Self

Let Shelley assist you with your unique ascension process.

Book A Session With Jessie

All sessions are given on a donation basis.

  • Accessing and clearing your energetic blocks and limiting beliefs

  • Replacing dense energies with higher vibrational energies, with auspicious qualities

  • Light language transmissions, chakra clearings and activations

Jessie has experienced a massive transformation and consciousness upgrade since working on herself in this way - going from victimhood, suicidal thoughts and hating herself to living a truly magical life filled with so much empowerment, peace and joy; all in less than a year! She wishes to spread these healing methods far and wide!

"I was pleased to learn that it is possible to connect with angels and enlightened beings; that I can request and expect miracles and that spiritual skills can be shared simply by being open to this possibility. And yes, I do talk to my Higher Self regularly now and my life is filled with miracles."

~ Anna Marie Scott, Nice, France

"I have to tell you that I had this amazing thing happen while and just after I talked with you today. I had this strong sense of well being & happiness. Even as I write this I am feeling more balanced than I have in over a decade. I have felt a lightness of being all day since your call and it has given me hope."

~ Kirsten Donald, Ladera Ranch, CA