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Stargate Pyramids

When you get the the Stargate Pyramids website, click on shop in the menu bar to order your meditation pyramid and accessories.

Stargate Pyramids provides the most powerful personal healing and meditation pyramids available, and are based upon cutting edge world-class research.

Stargate Pyramids are based upon the extensive pyramid research done by Dr. Alexander Golod and his team of scientists on behalf of the Russian government. This is by far the most extensive research ever performed on the healing, free energy, agricultural, enivronmental and materials science effects of pyramid energy fields.

Health research conducted by leading Russian scientists, the University of London, and the Pyramid Science Foundation all confirm the amazing health benefits derived from exposure to the coherent energy fields produced by the Universal Phi Scaling of Stargate Pyramids.

Remember, you need to use this link along with the coupon code peterdebeneditt to receive your 10% discount.

Surge Pyramid Capstones & Accessories:

  • Accessories for Stargate Meditation Pyramids

  • Enhance Connection to Source

  • Intensify Meditations

  • Empower Your Immunity

  • Turbo-charge Manifestations

  • Neutralize Toxicity

  • Invigorate Seeds & Plants

  • Charge Water, Crystals & Supplements

  • Boost the Health of your Pets

Receive an 11% discount using the promo code: PETERDEBENEDITT when you purchase through this link