
Ascension Products We Use & Trust!

Grounding and earthing

Earthing Harmony Bedsheet, Mats & More

Turn each night into a healing session.

Grounding Sheets

By connecting to the endless flow of beneficial electrons from the Earth's surface, grounding sheets unveil the profound healing power and benefits of Earthing.

This vital connection supports your body's natural healing and regenerative processes, promoting optimal health and wellness, especially during sleep.

Grounding & Earthing Universal Mat

By connecting to the continuous stream of electrons from the Earth's surface, this versatile mat supports your body's natural defense mechanisms, promotes healing and regeneration, and enhances your overall health and wellness.

Use it as a desk mat to protect yourself from harmful effects of EMFs or place it under your feet while you work to help balance your bio-electric system and combat free radicals. Even your pets can benefit from the grounding properties of this mat.

Even your pets can benefit from the grounding properties of this mat.

Grounding Footwear

Uncover The Restorative Healing Power of Earthing

and 'Barefoot Walking'

Walking with barefoot shoes encourages the natural movement and alignment of your feet and lower limbs.

It allows your muscles, tendons, and ligaments to work synergistically, strengthening the foot arches,

improving posture, and reducing the risk of common foot ailments.

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